Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 2 of Insanity

This morning we were up before 6am. Now when I was in High School I was always up before 6am. I would go for a 3 mile run in the morning. It was always so nice because it was cool and no one was on the road. Well this morning was not similar to my high school days. In fact it was pretty much the opposite. Thankfully Chris got up so I had to get up. We drove separately to the Y and the whole drive there I felt like I was on another planet (this could be explained by the meds I took the night before for my 3 week cough that I have self-diagnosed as walking pneumonia. Regardless, we made it there and set up the computer and got going. Today's DVD was slightly different than yesterdays which was nice because I felt like I was using different muscles (which is good). Chris had to leave early and I was supposed to stay and do some extra cardio. Yep definitely packed up the computer and came straight home. Thought that I had done enough. :)

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