Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 1: Fit Test

So our Insanity began today. We took our pre-photos (some of us more willing than others), got in the car adn headed to the Y. THe one thing that Shaun T emphasizes in the dvds is that insanity can be done in the time it takes to get to the gym. I disagreed with him since our gym is 6.2 miles away from our house. HOWEVER today I was proven wrong. Problem #1 was that I let Chris drive. Chris is a very good cautious driver who follows the speed limit and slows when he sees a yellow light. I on the other hand am a defensive and offensive driver. I defend my driving and speak offensive words to other drivers. Well anyways it ended up taking us 20 minutes to get to the Y which was absolutely ridiculous because they had closed 610 (who does that) and everyone and their brother was taking the self-guided detour. Regardless we made it to the Y to begin our "fit test." We set up in an empty aerobics room, plugged in the computer and got the DVD running. I was panting during the warm-up however there was someone worse off then me. The computer! It decided it was time to install automatic updates. Of course just when we get started and are trying to stick with something it decides that it wants to close down. Well despite its annoyance we were able to move through the fit test only pausing at the last 2 exercises to restart the computer!!! Here are our results:

1st Fit Test
Switch Kicks: S - 107, C - 121
Power Jacks: S - 52, C - 51
Power Knees: S - 100, C - 107
Power Jumps: S - 37, C - 31
Globe Jumps: S - 7, C - 9
Suicide Jumps: S - 15, C - 13
Push-Up Jacks: S - 20, C - 27
Low Plank Obliques: S - 50, C - 45

We then went home and made shrimp and crab nachos and sat on the couch. I am hoping to see progress but then of course we all know that I am very optimistic!

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