Sunday, February 28, 2010

what a weekend!

Wow! What a weekend! So many things squeezed into only 2 days. New countertops in our kitchen, Crystal's baby shower, Cedar Creek, out to the movies (Valentine's Day), Raven Grill, trip to the Woodlands, Canada versus USA in the gold medal was one good weekend.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

thursdays thursdays

Phew! What a day! Don't you just hate when you go from meeting to meeting to meeting to meeting and feel so inspired in each meeting but then by the end of the day you are exhausted! Well that would be me at the moment.
Also why aren't people kinder to non-profit organizations?? Umm hello we are basically helping the future of America and the least you could do is give us a couple hours of your time. Please. Thank you.

Off to go listen to Jean Marc at Rice speak on the Haitian Situation and then soccer game!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What's in your poop?

Yesterday morning I fooled myself into thinking Ouisie was taking a nap because there was silence in the other room. I decided to just check on her and make sure I was correct. Of course I was wrong. Ouisie was in the process of adding a third hole to her two hole tunnel (an IKEA purchase that was meant for Dharma). She looked up at me as if to say "thats why you gave this toy to me, right?" As I bent down to remove the toy from her Koopa paws I noticed that she was happily chewing on something. As I stuck my hand into her massive jowls, I realized that between the slobber she had managed to consume the plastic stuffing to the tunnel (which I didn't even know existed). I thought that I stopped her from swallowing any of the plastic until our walk this afternoon. I don't think that I need to go into any more details. Needless to say our dog has a healthy transit time. Approximately 24 hours!
My husband bought a rug and hid it in the closet.

Now our 2nd anniversary is coming up and the theme is supposed to be cotton. If you check websites - one gift suggestion often mentioned is a rug. Now if you think about it, rugs can be great gifts. They can warm your feet, your house, and your...well thats about it. But let's not be ungrateful. Some wives want diamonds, some want purses, some want vacations, but I am a simple wife. As my father told my husband - Stephanie is simple all she needs are soccer shorts and a soccer ball.
Thanks Dad! I will invite you down as soon as I open my anniversary present - a rug.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My husband bought a rug.